May 26, 2024

Understanding the Marketing Funnel: A Non-Technical Guide

The marketing funnel is a way to visualise the journey a potential customer takes from first learning about your product or service to making a purchase. Here’s a simple breakdown of the stages and what clients need to provide at each step...

Awareness Stage (Top of the Funnel - TOFU)

Goal: To make potential customers aware of your brand or product.
What Happens Here:
  • This is the first point of contact. Potential customers learn about your business through ads, social media, blog posts, or other forms of content.
What this looks like:
  • Informative Content: Blog posts, social media updates, videos, and infographics that introduce your brand and what it offers.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Paid ads, social media promotions, and SEO strategies to drive traffic to your website.
  • Free Resources: E-books, guides, or checklists that provide value and showcase expertise without asking for anything in return.
Task List:
  • Helpful blog or social media posts.
  • Facebook, Instagram Ads, X (Formally Twitter)
  • Infographics
  • Free guide in exchange for email. (Landing page form capture).

Interest Stage (Middle of the Funnel - MOFU)

Goal: To engage and nurture the interest of potential customers.
What Happens Here:
  • Visitors who showed interest in the Awareness Stage are now looking for more detailed information. They might be comparing options and want to understand how your product or service can solve their problem.
What this looks like:
  • Detailed Information: Webinars, in-depth articles, case studies, and whitepapers that offer deeper insights into your product or service.
  • Engaging Content: Email newsletters and follow-up emails that keep potential customers engaged.
  • Interactive Tools: Quizzes, surveys, and calculators that help visitors interact with your brand and gather personalised information.
Task List:
  • Post more frequently to platforms.
  • Brand interaction on a landing page, tips, videos.
  • Follow up email campaign with more useful content incentives.

Decision Stage (Bottom of the Funnel - BOFU)

Goal: To convert leads into customers.
What Happens Here:
  • At this stage, potential customers are ready to make a decision. They need convincing reasons to choose your product or service over competitors.
What this looks like:
  • Compelling Offers: Discounts, free trials, and demos that make it easy for potential customers to try your product.
  • Testimonials and Reviews: Customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies that provide social proof and build trust.
  • Clear Calls to Action (CTAs): Strong and clear CTAs like "Buy Now", "Sign Up", or "Get Started" to prompt immediate action.
Task List:
  • Coupon via email or discount (too good to refuse)
  • Landing page (Buy Now)
  • Limited time offer (email or landing page)

Action Stage (Bottom of the Funnel - BOFU)

Goal: To finalise the purchase and convert the lead into a customer.
What Happens Here:
  • This is the point where the potential customer takes the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service.
What this looks like:
  • Easy Checkout Process: A seamless and user-friendly checkout process to reduce friction and encourage conversion.
  • Thank You Pages: Acknowledgment pages that confirm the action and provide next steps or additional resources.
  • Customer Support: Access to customer service for any questions or issues that might arise during the purchase process.
Task List:
  • Clear follow up with (invoice email) transactional email and further support options.

Retention Stage (After the Funnel)

Goal: To retain customers and encourage repeat business.
What Happens Here:
  • After the initial purchase, the focus shifts to keeping customers satisfied and encouraging repeat purchases.
What this looks like:
  • Follow-Up Communications: Thank-you emails, satisfaction surveys, and personalised recommendations to keep the relationship strong.
  • Loyalty Programs: Rewards, discounts, and exclusive offers for returning customers.
  • Continuous Engagement: Regular updates, new product announcements, and valuable content to keep customers engaged with the brand.
Task List:
  • Personalised email design for targeted customers. Now we know some interests we have some more knowledge of the converting customer.
  • Survey with some reward to increase engagement and new actions.